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Hall of the Mountain King except it's played by a bunch of sixth graders.
In The Hall Of The Mountain King except it's terrible and made me fail music theory
Jingle Bells except it's terrible and made me fail music theory
In The Hall Of The Mountain King but i got distracted
Dance of the Knights but all the musicians have ADHD.
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy but the players are on a sugar high.
Swan Lake except it's hunting season.
Hall Of The Mountain King But It's Played By A Bunch Of Sixth Graders And A Drummer On The Internet
This Is Halloween except it's terrifyingly horrible.
Beethoven Symphony No. 5 except it's terrible and made me fail music theory
Lullaby except it's terrible and made me fail music theory
Grieg Piano Concerto except it's terrible and made me fail music theory